Scientific expeditions


Argentina: Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagonico (2023)

Argentina: Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagonico. Date: 12-27.03.2023.


– Exchange of experiences with the Center de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagonico (CIEFAP) in the implementation of mycological research and the Fungarium collection

– Exchange of knowledge about cortitioid fungi as forest pathological factors and those that decompose dead wood, and regarding laboratory cultivation of selected species

– Participation in field trips to the Lago Puelo and Los Alerces national parks, as well as to the Costanera Sur reserve

– Joint conduct of field research and laboratory research material

– Expansion of the collection of the Herbarium of the Andean Patagonian Forest Research and Development Center (HCFC) and the Herbarium of the Institute of Forest Sciences (BLS)


Guatemala: Universidad Del Valle De Guatemala (2022)

Guatemala: Universidad Del Valle De Guatemala. Date: 18-22.07.2022.


– Delivery of lectures on mycological research of the Institute of Forest Sciences, the Herbarium collection (BLS) and the activities of Fungi Extract Bank®

– Conducting mycological workshops on collection techniques and species identification.

– Participation in a field trip to the Reserva Natural Privada Molino Helvetia reserve

– Joint research and laboratory work, including: identification of, among others: species new to Guatemala and preparation of an exhibition of marked species

– Initiation of the creation of the Fungarium of the University of Del Valle De Guatemala, i.e. the first collection of UVG mushrooms

Relations: note.


USA: University of Mississippi (2019)

USA: University of Mississippi. Date: 11-22.11.2019.


– Exchange of knowledge and experience with the Department of Biology in the field of mushroom research development

– Participation in a field expedition to forest areas selected for research

– Visit to the National Center for Natural Product Research


Argentina: National University of Misiones (2019)

Argentina: National University of Misiones. Date: 16-26.03.2019.


– Exchange of knowledge and experience with employees of the National University of Misiones (UNaM), in the field of breeding fast-growing tree species and pathogenic mushroom species, and additionally on the breeding of stingless bees

– Planting “friendship trees” on the campus of the Faculty of Forestry in Eldorado, symbolizing the establishment of cooperation

– Participation in field trips to the Iguazú National Park and the tropical jungle managed by UnAM

– Visit to the settlement of the local Guarani Indian tribes, as well as to the Botanical Garden “Selva Misionera”

– Carrying out field research on polyporoid fungi in the Misiones province

Relations: report, relation.


Serbia: University of Novi Sad (2018)

Serbia: University of Novi Sad. Date: 28.05-01.06.2018.


– Exchange of knowledge and experience with employees of the Department of Biology and Ecology in the field of mycobiota research

– Conducting mycological workshops on collection techniques and species identification

– Participation in a field trip to the Fruška Gora National Park


Belarus: Białowieża Forest National Park (2016)

Belarus: Białowieża Forest National Park. Date: 2016.


– Participation in field expeditions in the Belarusian part of the Białowieża Forest

– Recognition of the potential of polyporoid fungi

– Meeting with the scientific community of the “Białowieża Forest” National Park